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Couple Communication Guides

Skills to prevent unnecessary conflicts, address issues proactively and feel more.

You know you love each other, but lately, you might have noticed that: 
Seemingly simple conversations go around in circles and then escalate into conflicts, which can feel frustrating 

  • You are getting more reactive and defensive towards each other, leaving you feeling discouraged

  • A certain topic or off-hand remark can quickly lead to raised voices, criticising each other’s character or bringing up past mistakes or grievances 

  • You're starting to avoid certain emotional topics, so you don't trigger each other, but consequently, your conversations end up being about practical surface-level things

  • These conflicts are now going unresolved, creating distance between you 

  • You feel resentment is building up as your emotional and physical connection is declining, leaving you feeling disconnected 

  • You want to feel truly understood like your needs are being met, so you don’t feel so alone in the relationship 

This is even more important to be mindful of if you're a parent. It's gut-wrenching to know your child saw or heard you two fighting and to think about how this might adversely affect them. 
If this sounds familiar to you both, you’re not alone. 
There will always be challenging circumstances in our lives, but with good communication, you can feel like a truly united, connected team. 
There are 4 step-by-step guides on how to: 
Guide 1. Share your thoughts and feelings, and listen better 
Guide 2. Make decisions and solve problems together 
Guide 3. De-escalate conflict and manage emotions  
Guide 4. Have weekly and monthly relationship check-ins 
The guides are relatable and practical. As an experienced clinical psychologist and a couple’s therapist for 10 years, I know the challenges you face and the tools you need to overcome them. 

Guide 1: Sharing your thoughts and feelings, and listening better 
Price: £38

This 10-page guide will provide you with skills to:

  • Better share your emotions with each other

  • Initiate important conversations in calm, constructive ways 

  • Express yourself effectively, without triggering an argument or defensiveness 

  • Listen in a way that leaves the other person feeling emotionally understood and validated 

  • Learn when and how to use letter-writing to express your feelings and show understanding and empathy for your partner’s feelings.





Guide 2: Making decisions and solving problems together  
Price: £17

This 4-page guide will help you:

  • Avoid getting deadlocked on an issue and instead find compromises. 


Guide 3: De-escalating conflict and managing emotions  
Price: £38

This 12-page guide will help you:

  • Make decisions and solve problems more easily and effectively together

  • Understand why couples keep repeating the same patterns during conflict

  • Learn when and how to take a time-out from destructive interactions with each other

  • Learn how to regulate your emotions 




Guide 4: Weekly and monthly relationship check-ins 
Price: £17

This 7-page guide will help you: 

  • Have constructive and time-efficient weekly and monthly check-ins 

  • Check in where you are both at with regards to connection, love and openness of communication

  • Check in with each other on areas of the relationship where satisfaction might be diminishing 

  • Check in with each other’s upcoming weekly schedules and priorities 

  • Set goals to change your individual actions to continuously meet each other’s needs in the relationship.




Purchase the communication guides individually or buy all 4 as a BUNDLE for £90 (saving £20)

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